Friday, December 31, 2010

Closing Out 2010, Welcoming the New Year

One of my goals for the past few months has been to post more consistently on my blog. I'm happy to say that I've reached that goal for this month. So here is my last post for the year. I plan to work on my 100 accomplishments for 2010 and post that in the next few days. In the meantime I hope you have a wonderful New Years celebration wherever you are.

I have so many plans and goals for 2011 that I am very excited about. I'll be sharing them in the months to come. The word I've chosen for the new year is CHANGE and I intend for many changes to take place, big and small. I hope all your dreams and aspirations come true for your new year.


Stacey said...

I can't wait to read your Top 100 Accomplishments! And I love CHANGE as your word for the year. I can't wait to see it manifest in big *and* small ways! Much love, Stacey

Liz Curtin said...

Hi Stacey,

I had hoped to get my 100 Accomplishments posted by January 1st but life had other plans. I'll continue working on it this week and have it live by the weekend.

I had a list of other words for 2011 and last week as I was reading several of Elaine St. James's books (Living the Simple Life, Simplify Your Life) the word CHANGE kept popping out at me over and over. I knew right away that it was my word for 2011. It's funny how that EPIPHANY happens. You just know!