Monday, November 24, 2008

Just the beginning....

Welcome to my new blog where I will post all things collage and mixed media related with a bit of found object sculpture thrown in occasionally. I've been wanting to do this for a while now but not too sure how to get started. This morning I got an email from Lisa Vollrath saying she was looking for new artists for her design team but they must have a blog or website where images of work can be viewed. This was all the push I needed. Lisa even recommended blogger to get started, so here I am with my first post.

Bear with me as I figure out how to upload photos from my computer, post a photo of myself (one that I actually like), customize the site, etc. etc. Hope to have more later today. Thanks for stopping by and please leave your comments.

1 comment:

p said...

well welcome to the blogosphere!
i see you are following me so I'm here to follow back :)
have fun and ask away if you need help on the blogger stuff.